CORE, DELTA & the upcoming coreDAO

CORE Ecosystem Update

CORE Vault
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2021


The past months have been eventful on the development front for the CORE ecosystem. While the main focus remains on the upcoming lending module, an update for the Core Router has been published on which helps the remaining LP tokens to be wrapped into coreDAO vouchers. The Delta smart contracts have been thoroughly checked and are being tested and worked on, to regain full functionality, after the Sushiswap migration. A contract is being built which will address an issue with the liquidator contract which plays an important role for the yield of the Deep Farming Vault. Afterwards we can expect the guaranteed yield for both rLP and DELTA tokens to roll out.

Core Lending Module ✔️

We reached out to our long term security partners, the Arcadia Group to assist us with the security audit on the upcoming lending module. We have assessed the initial report and are in ongoing discussions with our security partners to provide you with the highest security standards and continuing to release innovative products for our community.

Multi Step Process:

  • Arcadia Group Security Audit
  • Continuous internal reviews and testing
  • External peer reviews
  • Active bug bounty program

Our multi step process helps to maintain high standards and include several reviews before the final product is launched. We will invite our community and other security experts to take a look at the contracts and continue to host a bug bounty program to proactively work towards a more secure ecosystem.

CORE Router Update 💾

The coreDAO migration is nearing its completion. While the majority of LP token holders have received coreDAO vouchers, a small amount of LP tokens have not yet undergone the necessary steps to receive the upcoming coreDAO token. Users who have held their LP tokens outside of the CORE vault, for example in a balancer pool can now use the updated CORE Router to exchange their LP tokens into coreDAO vouchers.

LP token holders who have been staked in the vault do not need to take any action.

CORE Router v1.6

The updated CORE Router on allows for LP tokens which missed the migration to coreDAO Vouchers to be wrapped and exchanged.

Holding coreDAO Vouchers is a necessary step to receive coreDAO tokens in the future.

Following tokens can be wrapped by the Router:

  • CORE-WETH LP tokens
  • CORE-CBTC LP tokens
  • cDAI-wCORE LP tokens

If you have one of the above tokens in your wallet, please navigate to and use the Router to exchange them to coreDAO Vouchers.

A quick guide on how to use the new features of the CORE Router can be found here.

coreDAO Migration 🧭

While the migration contract is currently being finalized and tested, the team is calling upon the community to increase the security and safety of the migration, by engaging multiple parties in calculating floor prices for the coreDAO Migration.

We have already reached out to several community members and asked them to provide calculations and documentation about floor values of the former LP tokens (CORE-WETH LP, CORE-CBTC LP tokens, cDAI-wCORE LP tokens) and the floor price of CORE.

While we are waiting for more results to cross reference with our calculations, we want to publicly extend the invitation to the rest of the community.

If you want to submit your floor price analysis please reach out to 0xdec4f on Telegram and also share your calculations publicly for the community to take a look.

The CORE team is staying committed to building the foundation of a community driven ecosystem and is looking forward to the coreDAO Migration, the release of the lending module as well as starting the guaranteed yield for DELTA.

💬 Join Us!

