5 Things You Did Not Know About CORE

3 min readSep 29, 2020


this is just the beginning…

art by @cryptomemez

What happened? 🔀

On 9/18/2020, the CORE team kickstarted the presale of CORE with the “Liquidity Generation Event” which lasted 7 days. When CORE launched, it successfully started its Uniswap pool with more than 2000 ETH total contributed.

Within the first day, CORE was able to generate over $500,000 value in fees, which will benefit its CORE-Stakers, the developer fund and the project, while TVL was exceeding $11,000,000.

What’s next? 💎

The team is currently working on their custom Router. Currently the Router used, adds and removes liquidity on Uniswap. Making their own custom Router disables bots liquidating after you, fixing the liquidity withdrawals by front running bots.

The second priority is Governance which will play an important role in deciding the future of CORE and allowing the CORE community to govern new pools. The dev team has announced that they will not decide on new pools but have the CORE community make that decision via the Governance. The team has two proposals for pools ready to be discussed by the community.

The magical price floor 📐

Due to CORE’s fundamentals, liquidity cannot be removed, and coins cannot be minted.
The token has a price floor. Meaning it will never drop under a certain price. This is quite unique, for a cryptocurrency in the DeFi space which is plagued by hyperinflating tokens.

To calculate the price floor the following steps are required:

  1. Obtain the value of CORE/ETH UNIv2 LP Tokens

2. Calculate the price floor of LP Tokens:

3. Obtain the price floor of the liquidity pool:

4. Add everything into the CORE price floor formula.


Got some LP’s ? 🚀

By not allowing to withdraw the underlying asset from Uniswap through the CORE fundamentals, the community created a secondary market for selling/transferring these LP tokens. A great way to estimate good price is to understand how the Value of LP tokens is generated in the first place.

Value of LP Tokens = (Value of ETH in Pool + Value of CORE in Pool) / (Total LP Tokens)

This is how one can calculate how much it currently costs to buy LP tokens. Obviously, there is a time premium in this market, which needs to be considered.

Security Audit and Funding 💰

The team is in search of an audit of the smart contracts and is looking towards the community for help. Let them know what you think, here.

The developer funds are well-resourced, since each transaction of CORE has a 1% fee, which goes to the farming pool.
This pool then gives 7.24% of its fees to the development fund.

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